On the use legal means to force countries into action | Peter Sutherland (2015) UCD - University College Dublin 2:24 9 years ago 595 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland on Globalisation | The Meaning Of Life | RTÉ One RTÉ - IRELAND’S NATIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE MEDIA 0:59 8 years ago 3 436 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland: Global agenda, nationalism & migration Invandring Sverige 4:25 9 years ago 20 135 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland on Refugees | The Meaning Of Life | RTÉ One RTÉ - IRELAND’S NATIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE MEDIA 0:46 8 years ago 1 957 Далее Скачать
On 'conservative socities' and their reluctance to welcome refugees | Peter Sutherland (2015) UCD - University College Dublin 1:38 9 years ago 717 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland speaks about the current refugee crisis dissentprojectsltd 5:30 8 years ago 36 356 Далее Скачать
On the willingness of wealthy Arab states to accept asylum seekers | Peter Sutherland (2015) UCD - University College Dublin 2:32 9 years ago 338 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland: The Legal & Political Distinctions between Refugees & Migrants Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs 2:57 8 years ago 374 Далее Скачать
On defining what is meant by 'refugee' | Peter Sutherland (2015) UCD - University College Dublin 2:46 9 years ago 210 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland - Challenge of Migration The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) 0:28 8 years ago 579 Далее Скачать
On the work of the International Organization for Migration and UNHCR | Peter Sutherland (2015) UCD - University College Dublin 2:01 9 years ago 555 Далее Скачать
The EU's Approach to Global Migration and Mobility - Peter Sutherland - June 20, 2012 mikenagoya 1:05:36 12 years ago 552 Далее Скачать
CIA Spy EXPLAINS Mossad’s Ruthless Tactics 🫣 | #shorts BEST of JDP 0:37 2 years ago 742 313 Далее Скачать
Peter Sutherland SC discusses impact of possible Brexit Ibec Information 3:27 8 years ago 1 051 Далее Скачать
Irish travellers getting chased in Glasgow from Mcphee’s Gypsy sharing 0:13 2 years ago 2 125 495 Далее Скачать